Terms of service.
Cancellation Policy:
If you need to cancel a booking, you must do so 12 hours before class starts. If you forget to cancel or are absent you will be charged for that class. In addition, a small fee will be charged for late cancellations ($10) and no shows ($15).
First time riders must arrive 15 minutes before the start of class.
All riders must be checked-in 5 minutes before the class start time. Seats may be given up to wait-listed riders at that time.
Late arrivals will not be admitted into class.
Membership Terms and Conditions:
Memberships are billed weekly or monthly based on the membership type
Cancellation is with 4 weeks notice via email to manly@anthemcycle.com.au
You may freeze your membership if traveling for 2+ weeks
Unused Class Pass Expiration:
Passes currently available for sale expire on the following schedule:
10 Ride Pack: 3 months from date of sale
20 Ride Pack: 3 months from date of sale
30 Ride Pack (available in studio only): 12 months from date of sale
50 Ride Pack (available in studio only): 12 months from date of sale
Returns & Refunds:
All purchases and direct debit transactions are non-exchangeable, non-refundable, and non-transferable. Unfortunately we are not able to refund any client for unused ride passes.
Scheduling and Instructors:
ANTHEMCYCLE reserves the right to cancel and/or change instructors, rides, and schedules without prior notice. We will generally be closed on major public holidays.
Required Waiver of Liability:
You will be asked to agree to the following prior to riding with us.
Pre-Exercise Screening Affirmation:
If your answer to any of the following questions is ‘YES’; you must seek guidance from your GP or appropriate health professional prior to undertaking physical activity/ exercise:
1. Has your medical practitioner ever told you that you have a heart condition or have you ever suffered a stroke?
2. Do you ever experience unexplained pains or discomfort in your chest at rest or during physical activity/exercise?
3. Do you ever feel faint, dizzy or lose balance during physical activity/exercise?
4. Have you had an asthma attack requiring immediate medical attention at any time over the last 12 months?
5. If you have diabetes (type 1 or 2) have you had trouble controlling your blood sugar (glucose) in the last 3 months?
6. Do you have any other conditions that may require special consideration for you to exercise?
IF YOU ANSWERED ‘YES’ to any of the 6 questions above, you must CONFIRM that you have obtained guidance from an appropriate allied health professional or medical practitioner prior to undertaking exercise. By agreeing to this waiver you certify that you have responded to each of the questions accurately and have obtained guidance from an appropriate allied health professional or medical practitioner prior to undertaking exercise. For the avoidance of doubt, the liability waiver below applies in full to ALL clients who choose to attend AnthemCycle classes.
Liability Waiver:
I recognize that the program may involve strenuous physical activity including, but not limited to, muscle strength and endurance training, cardiovascular conditioning and training, and other various fitness activities.
I hereby affirm that I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any known disability or condition which would prevent or limit my participation in this exercise program. In consideration of my participation in this program, I hereby release AnthemCycle, AYJ PTY LTD, and their agents from any claims, demands, and causes of action as a result of my voluntary participation and enrollment. I fully understand that I may injure myself as a result of my enrollment and subsequent participation in this program and I hereby release AnthemCycle, AYJ PTY LTD, and their and its agents from any liability now or in the future for conditions that I may obtain including death. These conditions may include, but are not limited to, heart attacks, strokes, muscle strains, muscle pulls, muscle tears, broken bones, shin splints, injuries to knees or other joints of the body, injuries to back, injuries to a foot, heat prostration, or any other illness or soreness that I may incur.